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Présentation : Extrait du huitième album de Sandra intitulé The art of love. Premier album de Sandra non produit par son mari Michael Cretu. Le couple se séparera peu après.
Please tell me the reason
You're acting this way
Don't worry I can take it
Things can't stay the same
Oh baby you can't disguise
That look in your eyes
The way that you feel,your love
It's slippin away
Slippin away from me
What is it about me
(you don't understand)
What is it about me
(that made you change your plan)
What is it about me
(that makes me love you so)
What is it about me
I can't let you go
I can't let you go
Can't we find a way back?
How did things changed?
I always believed that
We could make it through anything
Oh baby you can't disguise
That look in your eyes
The way that you feel your love
It's slippin away
Slippin away from me
What is it about me
(you don't understand)
What is it about me
(that made you change your plan)
What is it about me
(that makes me love you so)
What is it about me
I can't let you go
I can't let you go
Why is it so hard to please you
Never seem decide of you
What is it that got you freakin
What am I supposed to do?
What is it about me
(you don't understand)
What is it about me
(that made you change your plan)
What is it about me
(that makes me love you so)
What is it about me
I can't let you go
I can't let you go
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